Monday, January 29, 2007

Just the norm

Today at breakfast Grandpop says to me "John if you stand up you're going to screw your head to the wall." This was in regards to a cabinet door being open, which he was warning me about hitting my head on.


Anonymous said...

Wow . . . I just discovered this thing you've done. Your blogging skills impress me. Er. Have you spoken with a neurologist? -- the cat

ScaryGrandpa said...

I have no idea why he's never been assessed but he's got to have some form of Alzheimers...As the people at HomeInstead Senior Care say, over 50% of people over 85 have some form of Alzheimer's- and ScaryGrandpa is 86 I do believe. I mean anyone who can't remember where the cups are or what you just told them 4 seconds ago, for the 5th time- has got to have some sort of medical problems... But he's stubborn and likely wouldn't want to go be assessed b/c he already thinks he knows everything since he was a doctor- one thing that he will never forget- or let you forget for that matter.